Ashes to Ashes…
New page! I bet that didn’t go how you thought it would! Who’d have thought he’d have it in him to show restraint??
Still working on getting the KS started. I am so FUCKING busy with work and my puppies that I’ve had no time to get shit done outside of the weekly strip. I HAVE, however, finished the line work on the new wallpaper, so that should be up by the first week of November. Keep your pupils peeled!
what the-? Gregor …..dude, confused is i.
also: been soooooooo long since i last read this comic. last strip i read was the one where Chloe and Katie are in bed naked :3
I too would be intimidated by a David Bowie wannabe.
Don’t you mean Rod Stewart..?
You’re fired.
Pooh; he *looks* like Rod Stewart…
Go watch “Labyrinth” (not “Pan’s Labyrinth”)
He doesn’t want to see Kate harmed again. Simple stuff can very well be crippling to a person.
Nope, don’t think so… I think what’s going on here is that he’s lost respect for her. If she can do that to her friend and her boyfriend, what else is she capable of.
eh, i think Gregor is actually intimidated by the gun. we’ve never actually seen him go up against one before, and while he has won in fights against supervillains in the past well… they weren’t incredibly practical in their fighting. preferring flashy stuff instead of straight up fighting. getting shot by a gun is… well a lot different from getting kicked or thrown up against houses. bullets are friggin fast, and he isn’t a supernatural being, he’s a mortal really big grey alien. even he has to fear something.
One of you is right.
I felt it pretty obvious that Gregor simply won’t help Kate right now, just to show her that he lost a lot of his respect for her. It is exactly in line with his attitude in the previous page.
I concur with Pashakitty, with a hint of Renadt as her injuries were caused by saving Chloe.
I don’t think it has anything to do with respect – Maybe it’s a lesson in ‘Gregor won’t always be there to solve your problems’, eh?
I don’t think any of that is right; Gregor has a plan…
Your proper use of a semicolon oddly turns me on…
Certainly a rare sight to behold.
Mrs. Sullivan would be pleased…
How many of you recognized the quote in panel !? It’s from the movie Labyrinth. Not one of Bowie’s most stellar moments, but amusing with all the Henson muppets.
I *didn’t* recognize that; now I get Stompinstein’s remark… thanks!
I meant to say “panel 1” in my first sentence, but had the shift down by mistake.
Lol, I see the David Bowie Labyrinth thing now, but my first thought was the guy that sings Never Ending Story… Limahl…?
Apparently my audience & David Bowie’s don’t overlap much…
I thought the crystal juggling balls were a dead give away…
I would have caught it sooner, but I don’t think I’ve seen labyrinth since my dad checked it out on LASERDISC from Erol’s video store…
Yeah, let that sink in…
Hell, I was probably loaded when I saw that film. Didn’t really care for it; I think “Man Who Fell to Earth” was better…
OK, seriously … was I the only one who got the Goblin Prince line on the first glance? Which is why I didn’t say anything, because I thought it was obvious.
Am I *that* old compared to the rest of you, or was that movie more forgotten than I thought? 😀
I got it on first glance. See my earlier post?
Yeah, I saw it, but after so many “That was Jareth?” posts I forgot about it. 😉
Though there’s probably a good bet that I’m the only one in this thread that actually played the Labyrinth movie game on a Commodore 64 back when it originally came out. Can still hear that MIDI version of Jareth’s song from the finale playing over and over in my head just thinking about it.
There was C64 game? Dang! But didn’t get a C64 until mid 90’s 🙁
Did get the picture disc vinyl of the Soundtrack (still have it somewhere)