Putting Out the Fires
You have NO IDEA how long I’ve been wanting to get to this point! When I first wrote the script for this storyline I didn’t really realize just how little Gregor was in this fight! We’re getting into the home stretch on this one!
edit: Realized after I put this one up that I’d neglected to add sound effects.
Something tells me this is gonna be over quick, and our alien friend is gonna make it so.
‘Bout time he got off his big, grey butt…
if you look at how quickly the action moves this whole battle probably takes place over, what, five minutes?
He had to wait and let them prove their stupidity first. He did intervene for that poor cashier that almost took an arrow to the face …
Welp he also pushed a lady away from lasers.
So… comic or no comic today? Considering it’s Easter and all, but damn I can’t wait to see someone kicking ass!
It’s coming. I’ve just been very busy this weekend
just found your comic today and went though all the pages in couple hours and all I can say is brilliant, and looking forward to reading more
Aww, shucks! thanks! Always love a new reader!