A Better Idea (SLIGHTLY nsfw)
That seems like it won’t have any chance of backfiring, right?
Did you see that there’s a voting incentive? I painted it all by myself! It’s been a while since I last used watercolors so I augmented it slightly with some Photoshop. This wallpaper gives you a little hint into just how long Katie has had Gregor by her side. I’m also making this into a print that will first be available at the Salt Lake Alt Press Fest on July 12th at the Main Library downtown. The fest runs from 12-5 so you have NO EXCUSE if you live in Salt Lake or its surrounding cities.
The print will also be available at my booth at SALT LAKE COMIC-CON! That’s right, bitches! I got a booth! I’ll be selling prints and sketches and will [hopefully] have a con exclusive print for sale as well as the aforementioned print.
There may be more available later as things develop but I don’t want to say for fear of disappointment.
The power of booty is a fierce one, one that Katie may not possess the power to resist. Fight it Katie! The allure may be strong but you are stronger!
… Then again that is one very nice booty…
Chloe has chosen to use her powers for evil. Naughty naughty evil.
Failed hypnosis resist check
Those are just willpower saves since 3.0, dude. Unless you’re talking about a non-D20 system, which I only know White Wolf’s stuff, and 4e Shadowrun.
BUTT you were just making a joke, and I took the fun out of it… Sorry…
So she buys coffee, goes somewhere to strip naked and takes a photo of her butt? Also what’s up with the shading on her body XD the shadows just randomly going up her side. Guessing the phone takes poor pictures or something X)
That’s on me. For some reason the colors from Chloe’s original transferred fine except for the rump pic so I colored out myself in a hurry.
Surely nothing can go wrong with this plan. Nope, nothin’ at all.
Somehow, picturing that image as not a photo but a short video gif: wriggle on repeat 😀
Good booty beats good intentions every time.
I can see her resolve starting to crack!
Just go threesome, you can then have your cake-booty and eat it
Yes, but Chloe may not like sausages with her Katie-cake
Eek! A penis!
ah cake is one thing but she might like seeing some sausage in a bun action
I’ll be in my bunk.
Speaking of which, you still selling those t-shirts? I bought two of them quite a while ago, and one was for the wife – and apparently the women’s sizing was way smaller than expected, even pre-wash she would have needed some Vaseline and a shoe horn to get the darned thing on. Been meaning to buy another one and we could just re-gift that one to one of her stepnieces, heh.
Side note … “pre-wash” is not recognized by the browser spell check, but “pee-wash” *is* and shows up as one of the recommended alternatives?!? Who the frak wrote this dictionary?!?!
Vasalining the wife and pee washing all in one comment …. going on rule 34 there is probably a whole page for that sort of thing
I took down the store because you are literally the only person to buy something from it. I might print some myself at a later date.
Well, shit. I’ve caught up. Hi! Really great comic so far, and good job, Chloe! Trust me, I would give lots of money for the Kickstarter, if I had money to give. Oh well. *shrugs*
No one can resist Booty Blindness!( booty blindness:when one becomes mesmorized by a girl’s rather large donk)
everybody got booty blindness no one’s pointed out the missing web tattoo
Dammit. I knew I forgot something
Oh god now shes SEXTING