Dun dun DUNNNN!!!!!!!
And we are back with colors by the lovely Chloe! I think she gives a very good dull lighting tone to the crappy hotel room our boys are in, don’t you?
I’m going to try to get Spencer back for a couple more traipses into the past, but not for a while. He’s got his plate full with his comic (which you should be reading if you’re not) and a gig that he’s actually being paid for. Besides, now that we’re back into the present things are gonna be picking up!
oooh, i am liking where this is going. and the coloring is done so beautifully ^x^
I just did some quick math, and the most light minutes saturn and earth can be from one another is 87.6 minutes. I don’t know about you, but I don’t consider less than an hour and a half almost two hours. This assumes Saturn is on the exact opposite side of the sun from the earth, however, and I have no idea how we would be detecting anything about it at that point…
Clean your room, Grey, momma’s home …
bahaha XD yeeeees, back to the crappy hotel room! it could’ve just been any hotel room, but no, it has to be a dull lit crappy hotel X3 of which I highly approve, that’s where this stuff usually goes down anyway right? from the popcorn ceiling to the crappy carpet, still love it.
Also love that materializing pod, guessing mom’s arriving in time for someones shower? Oooooh what could possibly happen next, whatever it is, I’m looking forward to it ^_^
Part of me is wishing somone will add Gregor to TVTropes soon, the other part WANTS to do it.