Boys Keep Swinging
Two things I learned from using the cover to The Avengers: Assemble by George Perez as my inspiration for the second panel-
1. George Perez know more about musculature than I ever will
2. Something is VERY wrong with Scarlet Witch’s waist in that drawing!!
Anyhoo, we get Uranus on this page! Let the butt jokes commence!
Well, if the bank’s insurance deductible hadn’t been met already, *this* oughta do it …
With heroes like these guys, who needs villains?
Maybe it’s just me, but since they’re all planets wouldn’t Planets Align make a little more sense than Planets Rally?
Again just my opinion
Loving the comic though and can’t wait to see more.
I was trying to ape “Avengers, assemble!” but I see your point.
Nice enough webcomic, but the updates are -very- gradual.
Also the story doesn’t seem to progress as much as I would like it to. With each passing page there’s usually more questions raised than answered.
At least I see your artwork is starting to be more uniform, clearly you’re starting to show a distinctive style of your own. That is good.
Now if only we had regular updates… đŸ˜‰
I’m trying to do weekly from now on and I totally understand about the pace of the story. I’d say that the total time taken in the current storyline amounts to about 10 minutes real time, so it seems like it’s moving at a snail’s pace. Getting pretty close to done, though…
Well, don’t feel too bad about it, man. Dave B, author/artist of the excellent “Grrl Power”, has 250 strips and it’s still the FIRST DAY in-comic. AND said first day is a flashback to a few months before the ACTUAL time in-universe. And it is GLORIOUS. We all (even Dave) poke fun at the 50-page-long fights scene, but he did it right, so we don’t complain; he’s telling his story and not rushing it.
So don’t feel bad if you feel like the plot is taking a long time; if that’s how much time it needs, then we will still love you.
Interesting! Sorry to be picky, but looking back over this glorious arc, I’ve just realised the tie of the dress on Venus’s shoulder keeps shifting from left to right and back again… is that her superpower? Very small pedantic point and I feel a git for bringing it up. but a brilliant concept! A set of planetary avatar superheros – a piis-take on the whole weird Japanese “sailor moon” thing?