Chilly Down
Ah, a new page! After this one there’s gonna be a bit of a break while I go to London for a MUCH NEEDED vacation. The good part for you guys is that the flight will give me a shit ton of time to work on the pencils for the next few pages, so maybe I can update more often!
I gotta say, Tyler, I truly love how you double-reference each member of the Society – each bears resemblance to a commonly known superhero (here we see Iron Man, elsewhere we’ve seen the likes of Captain America, Hawkeye, Flash, Colossus, Aquaman …) as well as the characteristics attributed to their planetary namesake via mythology.
Well played, sir, well played indeed.
DUDE! A david bowie’s labrynth refference! i officially love this comic so much! 🙂
I actually didn’t catch the reference until you mentioned it, but it does follow the leader’s pattern so far of emulating the Goblin King, so that works nicely.
Now we’re Talking!
almost everything he’s said has been from Labyrinth or from a David Bowie song. I think the only thing a Goon Squad member has said that wasn’t was Ashes when he told Katie to give him her purse, he then followed it up with a line from Ashes to Ashes “I never done good things.”
also if you dont know what im talking about as most probably wont youtube video of song here: