After some coloring debacles the new page is here courtesy of Spencer Holt on colors! This is one of those transitory pages that’s kind of necessary to move the story along, but not exactly the most action packed, so a lot of reuses on this page. I have been trying to stay away from this tactic recently, but I really like the gag and fall back on it here and there.
Also, I meant to draw Colby in there somewhere, so let’s just say he’s hiding after being torn off Katie’s back.
BUAHAHA! Ok I’ll admit I was accepting the whole “passing on the important thing before I die” shtick, this took me by a pleasant surpise. XD
Welcome back.
Ultimate fist bump. Or fist bump for life?
That’s a quick way to get stains out of an outfit, though it kinda has me missing the glowy shit the goblin king pulled several pages back
So… Many… Questions…
… gregor… pull my finger…
Is there supposed to be a black square covering the bottom half of the comic?
Ah, it seems for some reason in Chrome it was not fully loading the image, but in edge (the new IE) it does.
Currently it is the only one of your pages that has done it.
Huh. Odd.
Clear your cache and cookies, you should be fine
This hand of mine glows with an awesome power! Its burning grip TELLS YOU TO HEAL ME! TAKE THIS! My love, my leadership, and ALL MY SCIENTIFIC ACHIEVEMENTS! HEALING FIST BUMP!