Jolly ‘oliday
Sorry for the late update, people. A word of advice: If you ever think to yourself “I’m gonna draw Bert’s jacket from Mary Poppins,” don’t. Quite the headache, that.
On top of that it was also a very warm weekend so I spend a great deal of time outside getting my garden ready so my time’s been strained. I will always get the page up sometime during the weekend, usually on Friday, but I give myself that flexibility of just saying “the weekend.” for instances like this.
My MANY thanks to the dozens of you that have already purchased the donation desktop! If I’d have known Katie’s knockers were such a selling point I’d have put up a desktop on DAY ONE! I’m working on next month’s desktop and I will just say that fans of Chloe will NOT be disappointed 🙂
Last thing: Wanna be in my comic?
Since our heroes are in Disneyland I’m going to need to draw quite a few background people, and pulling them out of my ass leads to very boring looking people. If you want to be drawn into the background just click on the “contact us” page and in the subject line type “background” then post a link to a pic of you in the body of the message! Thanks!
No not Bert!
Oh dear but I am a very boring looking person. Can I be in the background in one of my GenCon costumes?
It’s not really Bert! Bert didn’t have a pencil mustache and I would have tried harder to make it look like Dick Van Dyke. Also, NO ONE is boring looking! The only way I could use a Gen-Con pic would be if
A. It’s normal enough I could drop you in or
B. I send G to Comiccon or something
Uh oh. A mustache like that does not bode well.
It a mustache that says “yeah, I’ve been nude on camera, what of it?”
Something tells me they are no longer welcome in Disney World
Or maybe there’s another terrorist plot going down.
Never underestimate the popularity of boobs…
We hav problum, relees the DOLAN!
It’s not his suspicious pencil thin mustache, or the way he stuck his finger in his ear like a crazy person to address ‘Clara’ who’s standing right behind him that makes him a villain.
It’s his silly hat. That makes him a villain. 😀
What’s wrong with a porkpie? I like porkpies!
Nice Firefly reference on her shirt. I see what you dd there.