Not Ready NSFW
For some reason, Facebook always likes to put the first few lines of this write up in the preview, and this is gonna get spoilery, so I’m just gonna type in my favorite movie quote.
What is that supposed to mean? “China is here?” I don’t even know what the hell that means! All I know is this Lo Pan guy comes out of nowhere in the middle of a god-damned alley, while his buddies are flying around on wires cutting everybody to shreds, and he JUST STANDS THERE waiting for me to drive my truck STRAIGHT THROUGH HIM? With LIGHT COMING OUT OF HIS MOUTH?!
Okay, enough of that
ZOMG! How did that happen? Why did that happen? who what when where did that happen? Well, there’s only one way to find out! I’m making a book! And the only way you’ll get to find out just what led to this coital encounter is to buy it! BUT FIRST! We must FUND it!
Behold, the Kickstarter! For real this time! Go donate and get amazing things in return. Please note that if you choose to donate over $1000 that you will be written into the comic as a recurring character! You might even get to bump uglies with one of the girls! If that’s not incentive then I don’t know what is! I’ll be sure and post the Kickstarter as soon as I get approved, so keep watching here!
In the meantime I’ll be taking a hiatus while I work on the next story and, if the project is funded, I’ll be posting 3 preview pages of the print exclusive story!
Katie doesnt look nearly as happy as Chloe…otoh it kind of looks like Chloe is uncomfortably pressing on the cast
Always remember that facial expressions on my characters are NEVER accidental. Go back through the Disneyland arc and look at Katie’s face.
And no, I’m not saying that to get more pageviews. But I totally am.
I wouldn’t say her expression is “unhappy.” More like “tired and bemused.” An expression that conveys the thought, “we’ve been at this for hours, where does she get the energy?”
I like your Kickstarter, don’t think there is anything wrong with it nor does it need changing in my opinion. I would donate to it if it was live already.
Saw that coming.
Is that a cast, or did Katie lose her arm from the snake bite?
It’s a brace used for upper arm fractures
I was kind of hoping Katie was a robot in disguise, but this is okay too.
Thank you for answering that, because I was wondering too. It looks more like a prosthetic than a cast, and not a sort of cast I have ever seen.
This sort of thing in the near future looks like it’ll change how we all view casts.
Dang, it deleted the URL. Google 3d printed cast if you want to see what I was talking about.
I’ve missed your drawings of your girls.
I’ll be in my bunk.
Katie looks stunned. I guess Chloe’s been keeping her desire for her bottled up for a long time and when it was unleashed … well, it overwhelmed poor Katie, not that she didn’t enjoy it.
Sounds like you’re on the start of a beautiful fanfic.
And just to think: Katie wasn’t originally planned to be a recurring character!
If it wasn’t for her memorable line during the Christmas arc, we would not have such a delightfully apealling scene we have today
Chloe, but I get your meaning
Oops! Not sure why thought the blonde was Chloe 🙁
Came here via a link in Grrl Power, really glad did 😀
Even if it did add 2 more comics to the list (followed your link to Bearmageddon :P)
Well, no matter how you got here, I’m glad to have you.