Preview Page 3
Sorry I’m late folks! Life just seems to keep getting in between me and this here webcomic. One page left in the preview and then I’m opening up the Kickstarter again.
As for today’s page, I really enjoyed drawing these faces. I used to hate faces. So complex and if you fucked up one thing you could tell INSTANTLY! Also, I had a whole airport terminal rendered and ready for the background on the first panel, but it was too noisy and the simple “generic people walking around” tone worked perfectly.
The page looks great, I think it was worth the wait. I like the way you do faces its very original compared to what others do with manga like style or just plain cartoonish look.
Thanks! I used to be VERY manga inspired and my style has slowly evolved into what you see here!
The amount of progress your style and skill have made since the beginning has been absolutely astounding. I’m really glad you’ve stuck with it. It’s been an awesome trip.