This is Bad Comedy
Aaaand my buffer is gone. I tried to keep up with it but life has a tendency to get in the way. I’m still going to try to keep my updates to twice a week, but there may be some weeks that doesn’t happen. Also there will be no new comics next week as I’ll be in Walt Disney World and my wife has forbidden me from working while we’re on vacation.
For some reason, every time I look at that last panel, I hear “c’mon ride the train … it’s the choo choo, ride it” playing in my head …
I feel like the title to this has to be preceded with “Coronation, Starscream?…”
Leonard Nimoy will always be Galvatron first and Spock second in my world
Have fun and don’t worry about the strip. You’re doing a fine job. I get to read some great stuff for free. Enjoy your vacation.