What Makes the Bad Parts Bad
Hey! remember these two?
I don’t really have any experience with trauma, myself. Grief, for sure, but nothing approaching the level of trauma, so I’m going to keep this part vague. Right after I wrote This page I knew that I wanted to have Stan follow up. He’s nothing if not a man of his word and he is nothing if not EXTREMELY BORING TO DRAW! He and Chloe have something in common, in that they were both intended to be small side characters, dropped after their initial appearances. But they both grew into invaluable parts of the cast. If I’d have thought I was going to have him around longer I’d have probably made him more fun to draw. Oh, well.
I’m sick of not drawing. This has been a stupidly long gap in pages and there is no good reason I didn’t update, other than just not wanting to. After this page things are going to start moving pretty quickly, so I’m hoping I can get a rhythm going to where it doesn’t feel dragged out by my infrequent posting. Also should have a new vote incentive AND a new Patreon pin-up soon.
Woohoo! Comic Update!
Welcome back and Best Wishes for 2025.
Also, First :p
“Just because you are trauma…” ???
TBF it was after midnight and I was quite tired.