New Chapter title card! I drew this on stream this past Saturday to an audience of one, so maybe I need to get the word out about the Saturday streams a bit more. I don’t do self-promotion very well, so[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Training Day
Hey! remember these two? I don’t really have any experience with trauma, myself. Grief, for sure, but nothing approaching the level of trauma, so I’m going to keep this part vague. Right after I wrote This page I knew that I[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hey! A page! And I didn’t forget Katie’s tattoo! I’ve always enjoyed writing Katie as impulsive. It contrasts nicely with Gregor and Chloe’s more reserved and thoughtful natures. I also like writing her impulsivity biting her in the ass. Scene[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
…pation. It’s weird how I need reference material, from 3D models to stock images, to draw Katie to a level that I’m happy with but I can crank out a drawing of Gregor in any pose I want with relative[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
One thing I’ve always tried to stay away from when I draw women is making them pretty no matter what the situation. Too often in comics female characters always looked like they were told to look scared/angry/constipated without sacrificing the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I’ve been aiding my convalescing this past week, so I didn’t have a TON of time to work on this page, but I had a little break today to finish this page up, so here we are! I know that[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Just realized that Katie’s hair was tied up in the last page. Oh, well. I like how her hair turned out so continuity be DAMNED! I’m sure you can tell from the fact that it’s been almost a year since[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I’ve just about had this one finished for some time, now. I just couldn’t get myself to sit down and finish it. 200 pages and it took me HOW LONG to get from 199 to 200?! Anyway, I hope the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Here’s the JLU scene. One of my favorite Superman moments. No shade on this one, just because I wanted to get it out there ASAP. The lines for this one were done quite some time ago, and I just needed[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Your training starts…..NOW! Most of this was drawn on stream, most of the colors were not and I definitely put in the background off camera to save my RAM and my sanity. If you’d like you can go to my[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I’m going to go ahead and blame Thanksgiving for the wait on this one. I didn’t post the filler image because I KNEW I’d never get this one done in time. I think it’s interesting that a couple of[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
A new arc? What happened with the love triangle arc? It certainly didn’t seem at all resolved to me.
You should know by now that I love my cliffhangers! There’s still the issue of what Katie wants to do! Does she end it with Sean and stay with Chloe? Does she stay with Sean and end it with Chloe? Does she end it with Chloe and Sean ends it with her? WHO KNOWS???
Plus, it’s a subplot that’s been running since the end of the Professor Kale storyline, so I don’t expect to wrap it up in 3 pages.
To me it certainly doesn’t seem like the kind of thing that gets resolved immediately. Not to mention that Sean explicitly said “this is gonna take some time”.
Wow tyler, these are so cool.