Woo! New page! Hopefully this signals a change to a slightly more regular update schedule. If I can’t get up one page a fortnight then there’s definitely something wrong.
Woo! New page! Hopefully this signals a change to a slightly more regular update schedule. If I can’t get up one page a fortnight then there’s definitely something wrong.
I guess when you’re all alone in the universe, and you find that little slice of home, you want to hold onto that slice for as long as you can. END OF THE ARC!!!!! Oh, it feels so good to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I thought about drawing what Ghre-Tah is describing, but I decided it would take waaay too long and I want to keep the story moving.
New Page! YAY! To be honest I’ve had that Katie place holder for a while and finally decided to post it to give me some added motivation to get this page done. That’s not to say she won’t eventually[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
WHAT COULD IT BE????? Hurray! New page! This one was delayed because I had to take over coloring duties from Spencer. He’s got a full plate, so no worries. I’ve also taken on a few commissions so that’s eating[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
It helps if you read this after looking at this One again we have Spencer helping out with the inks/colors to set the world apart from our regularly scheduled program. If you like the way this looks be sure to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
As an asthmatic, I know Katie’s pain and the joy of breathing freely afterward. Also, Katie gets a little ghetto when she’s celebrating her health. Don’t you? Getting into some more flashback shit next time, so look forward to that.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Chloe actually sent this over to me about an hour after I posted the filler page. I have zero excuse for taking so long between pages, so I’m going to try to update more frequently from now on.
I’d probably be upset, too. Chloe’s back on coloring duty and isn’t she just knocking that shit out of the park? Don’t you look at that and think to yourself “Man, she’ kicks ass. I wish there were someway I[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
After some coloring debacles the new page is here courtesy of Spencer Holt on colors! This is one of those transitory pages that’s kind of necessary to move the story along, but not exactly the most action packed, so a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…