Hey! Look! I’m not dead! This page was one of the hardest to lay out I’ve done, recently, Obviously not because it’s complicated, but I just couldn’t decide how to introduce this arc. I thought about having Carver open the door on the last panel and have to reveal be a splash page, but I decided I needed to get into the action as soon as I could. this was the one part of this arc that I didn’t have already written, so no more 2 months between pages! I promise!
*counts* only 8 members so they are a fairly new team then, that explains the stupid
Earth, not Pluto, is the missing planet. I’m looking forward to meeting some adjunct members from the Trans-Neptunians, Gas Giant Moons, and Major Asteroids.
Don’t forget the Keiper Belt and the Oort Cloud!
I like that harkgirl in the back. She looks so happy to be there.
That one is Uranus. The joke potential…. damn, too easy, too easy. At least she did not wink. 😛
I knew I recognized those guys. And also the face they’re all making at Gregor. I’m a go re-read that battle.
Glad you got who they were! Usually, when I go back and look at my old stuff I cringe, but I really like that arc!
YEA realized it after I posted and i guess Gregor could be Astroid (big gray came from space hard as hell and hits like a NUKE)
I saw this headache coming the moment Gregor made their leader cry.
I knew they’d either go to him for training, or someone would put him at the helm. They were too well thought out to be trashed.
I actually created this team in junior high, about 24 years ago. (Typing that out makes me feel very old.) So I guess I’ve had some time to flesh these guys out!
Assuming Gregor doesn’t just say no, how’s he going to upgrade them? Armour? Practical weaponry? What kind if tactical training might work best – this is more of a military deal than their previous vigilantism, so maybe some special forces training?
Of course, any weaponry they get has to be capable of taking down Gregor himself, so they’re potentially a significant threat afterwards. Have they even had background checks?
Heyyy, it’s these guys again! As good old Jim Ross used to say, business is about to pick up.