It’s Not That Bad….
Boy, this is really getting serious. Good thing there’s only 4 pages left in this arc (though it may grow to 5 if I can’t figure out how to convey what I need on a couple of pages.)
So that means there is but a month left before we go dark and I work on the next story arc! I need your fanarts and guest strips! I have one and know of one other WIP, but I need more! I’d like to update as often as possible with content while I’m working to keep this place from totally shutting down.
Nice! Wicked wounds, bad lying, and Chloe left by her lonesome. Love the perspective on the last panel there.
Add another WIP here.
I stumbled upon this site this morning and instantly fell in love. Now I’m all caught up and eager for more.
Gregor is my new hero. I hope things work out for him!
There might be some fan art coming my way in the near future. I’ll email you if it works out.
Aw, poor Chloe. Just take it as a vote of confidence from Gregor that you can take care of yourself and didn’t trigger his “damsel in distress” mode to take you with him … take cover, watch your back, he’ll return for you once Katie is safe.
BTW, come back from Xmas vacation to a nice surprise … saw the other two wallpapers were up so hell yeah I grabbed them. Hit the store and bought two Browncoats shirts, too, like I’d been planning to do for a while. One for me, one for the wife. 😀