Watch Out
I just seem to be getting later and later with this comic. This week it was because we had our niece and nephew over and they are VERY allergic to cats. And since we have SIX cats we thought we’d better clean the house from top to bottom to prepare. Plus we went to see the Hobbit on Sunday. I don’t understand all these critics saying it’s bad. It’s not as serious as the LOTR trilogy because it’s based on a book for children! The Hobbit was a lighthearted romp through middle earth with some scary bits tossed in! Get over yourselves!
Anyway, I’ll have the first of 3 wallpapers up tomorrow. I was originally just going to do one, but I liked my drawings of Katie and Chloe so much that I decided to do one Katie, one Chloe and one with both of them.
To quote an old video game I loved …
“Total carnage! I LOVE IT!!!”
😀 Buh-bye snake …
Katie!! D=
You tease! I come back to comics from hiatus and you leave a cliffhanger. =o
I <3 defensive Gregor.
I really enjoyed the book. A lot. and I agree with you on the type of book The Hobbit is. But 3 movies out of it?? I don’t remember it being that long like the LOTR trilogy. Or even ONE of the books out of the trilogy, in fact.
also, I can’t wait to get to get back to a place with a movie theater. :
Snagged the new wallpaper. Ooo la la … nice. Aaaaand now it’s on my desktop. 😀 Thanks to you, Tyler, I have to make sure to either turn off my monitor or pull up a notepad screen when I go outside, lest I freak the neighbors (my screen is in clear view from the front door). Heh. The netbook too, it’s in even clearer view (use it for lookups and IMs while I am playing games) and still has the Tekken wallpaper from last month on it.
Make sure you get the other two! You don’t want Katie to be lonely, do you?