Let’s Dance
I will always be the first person to admit that I’m not too good at making spiders emote, let alone when hit with lasers.
I will always be the first person to admit that I’m not too good at making spiders emote, let alone when hit with lasers.
Lazers? I thought those were some kinda cables
Mayhaps they are Cablazers….? Lazbles? C’mon guys we can work it out 🙂
Omega Red and Iron Man fused into one.
There are people who understand when to act and when to stand down because your actions could have Bad Results.
BTW: Have we ever been givin any story/clues to Gregor’s origin?
1. He’s an alien
2. He was “created.”
That’s about all we’ve been given so far that I can recall.
Tyler has wisely kept Gregor’s true and full origin a secret hidden by the veil of history not yet revealed. We know enough to understand what and why he is (as noted by Otty) but not enough to nitpick over details because we don’t know them yet. Pretty smart. Gives him time to work out the actual origin and maybe even work it into the storyline – piece by piece or maybe even as an inserted origin storyline.
Which is a lot more sensible than so many comics end up doing – either sticking to a cumbersome backstory that makes moving forward difficult, or having to do the unthinkable (retcon!) just to salvage the long-term arc. Smart man, he is.
This is why you don’t cast Fireball in a 10’x10′ room.
This is why you don’t use frags inside a ship.
This is why you don’t fire into melee.
This is why you don’t use a .50 cal to hunt rabbits.
My Dad once tald me about the time his Uncle Al had (for some unknown reason) magnum loads in his shotgun and spotted an inoffensive little cute bunny rabbit hopping across the lawn about ten feet away…
Dad said his grandfather was rather upset about the crater in the lawn of his summer house and that the rabbit sort of disappeared…
Probably would have been best to wait until they were outside. to confront them.
Then again, if heroes weren’t so dumb, we villains wouldn’t stand a chance.
I guess the problem I have with the art (the only problem) is that the outside mandible/horn/claw on each spider looks straight, not curved. They look like the prongs that you stick into a power outlet (rectangular and curved on the end).
well, they are spiders from MARS…..yeah, I got nothing
No, they look correct to me, if you viewed them from that angle instead of straight on
(in the first panel)