Ziggy Stardust
And we are back in business! I hate missing an update and missing two in a row just pisses me off. Between my birthday and a NASTY head cold I just couldn’t get this finished last week. I’m done with establishing shots so I shouldn’t have too many more problems with getting pages up in a timely fashion
In other news My friend Spencer just put up an animated comic for his 100th update and I did two of the voices on it!
I play Bo and the goblin whose name I don’t remember and is never mentioned in the short. Enjoy!
This little slice? Rewatched the movie to pick up all the key lines, did we? 😀
Dance magic dance.
Who needs to rewatch Labyrinth? I have that shit MEMORIZED.
What next, will he toss babies at them? Whip out a Mick Jagger doll and rub butts w/ it while singing “Dancing in the Streets”? Watch the video, you’ll see what I mean….
Oooooh how about a sidekick named Gabrel Reeves swinging an “axe” yammering about being “under the gods”…
If I had Dancin’ in the Street Bowie in the group then, I probably would. However, I have better sense than to include that monstrosity.
What attacks will the Thin White Duke possess?