Oh Yeah, There Was a Kitten (NSFW)
YAY! We’re back!!! You’ve all bee VERY patient and I felt I should reward you with a bit of Katie boob.
This page has been a long time coming, mostly because I couldn’t get a layout that I liked. I was also learning some new brushes in Photoshop, so this coloring took a bit of time, as well.
In other news, I’m not going to be at Salt Lake Comic Con this year, but I WILL be at Rose City Comic Con in Portland September 19th and 20th! I will have a booth with my wife Sarah and we will be selling prints (And maybe a print version of the first storyline…..don’t tell anyone) at our first out of state con!!
Woo! Gregor! I had honestly thought you were comatose or something.
More like in a slump. Getting back to my first love… Feels good, man…
we come back to what looks like oil spritzed colors? Or maybe more salt on water color… either way your colorist found a way to make everything look kinda wet and grainy X) it’s interesting the switches between different coloring of backgrounds and characters, and then come back with a whole new one. Unless you got a new colorist?
Eh either way, just noting the new change, tiny kitten to the rescue though XD
I colored this one myself. I thought I’d try something a little more detailed while keeping to the palette I had established.
ah got’cha, I was kinda partial to the earlier details but hell if you like the water look then yeah. makes me think of the flashback scene really. but hey, welcome back to you and your colors.
welcome back! While the boobage is a nice touch, check out that soundwave poster!
errr, i think i missed something. (backs through the sketches. AHH, there we go. ) okay, that makes more sense. lol.
Ah yes, the climbing kitten. Even with a tee shirt on, worthy of some creative vocabulary. Trust me on that. It showed no Chest Effect though.
Welcome back!
Wee kitten looks like a tanuki XD
Welcome back! Been looking forward to updates!
Like the new look, and that’s not just because of massive Katie boobage (doesn’t hurt though).
“Oh lookie! Dangly evil string thingies attacking head of my new pink Thumb Bitch! DEFEND THE FOOD SLAVE!!!”
…I may or may not own a cat…
I thought her reaction was from the crack in the arm. I didn’t even notice the kitten.
Annnnnnnddddd, we’re gone again.
Dude! I’m getting ready for a CON! the lines for the next page are about ready for colors, but I have prints to finish!
I wouldn’t sweat it Tyler … most understand that a CON is a big thing, it’s just good to see this comic is still alive. It’s not easy holding down life and then having to be creative all the time for others. People are just greedy for another page … which isn’t a bad thing really as it says a lot about your comic.
Holy crap, it’s been 7 years? Fell out of reading webcomics, but didn’t realize it had been that long. Time to catch up, and glad to see you still kicking, Tyler. Oh, and, nice tits Katie. XD