Not Really . . .
I’d love to write something witty as I post this, but I’m watching Game of Thrones and I can’t think of anything but Westeros.
quick recap of season 2
I’d love to write something witty as I post this, but I’m watching Game of Thrones and I can’t think of anything but Westeros.
quick recap of season 2
Well, there’s your idea for your next two donation wallpapers, Tyler: Katie as Daenerys, and Chloe as, I dunno, Melisandre maybe (because she’s a redhead and is usually dressed pretty scantily or not at all)?
I take that back – Melisandre would be a better fit for Clarabelle. Chloe would be more appropriate as Brienne. The warrior maiden archetype suits her better. 😀
Katie’s too big chested to be Daenerys.
And knowing Katie she’d want to be someone evil so she’d go for Cirsi
Ah, I suppose Cirsi would be a good fit …