Oh Noes!
Well, if having my truck broken down has any positives, it’s that I had time to finish this week’s page! In case you’re wondering who’s talking, I have tagged the characters that are off panel.
Well, if having my truck broken down has any positives, it’s that I had time to finish this week’s page! In case you’re wondering who’s talking, I have tagged the characters that are off panel.
It’s bringing love! Don’t let it get away! as some of you may be a aware, Project Wonderful, an advertising platform used by most webcomics, has shut down, leaving me with no advertising at the moment. This sucks as it[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
You know, I seem to remember the comic being about this guy….. Portland readers! My wife and I will be selling our wares at Rose City Comic Con September 7th through the 9th! I’ll have the first printed volume[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hurrah! Go Stan, amiright? This page took a little longer than I wanted because I dropped my Surface on my way to my car and the screen SHATTERED! I had to do some extreme digging online to find a new[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Yay! New page! SMELL the newness of it! New print coming soon! If you’re a Patron you’ll have seen it, and if not, I’ll be posting here as soon as I get it on my store page. I’ll give you[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hey! A new page! Look at that! Still trying to get these out in a timely manner, which has been difficult since becoming a father, but I’m adjusting. Also, I’m working on my next pinup, so there’s that to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
For those that don’t get the title to this page, feel free to go read the greatest comic book ever written, Watchmen. As for the art of this one, I wanted to convey the somewhat inconsistent nature of Mr Liefeld’s[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
This is what we’ve been leading up to, faithful readers! I only hope it’s obvious what it is I’m trying to do, here. These guys are actually the first villains that I thought of AFTER I had started publishing Gregor.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…