Archive for mr-carver
Really That Stupid
Hurrah! Go Stan, amiright? This page took a little longer than I wanted because I dropped my Surface on my way to my car and the screen SHATTERED! I had to do some extreme digging online to find a new[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Yay! New page! SMELL the newness of it! New print coming soon! If you’re a Patron you’ll have seen it, and if not, I’ll be posting here as soon as I get it on my store page. I’ll give you[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Dan, I Am Totally A Republic Serial Villain
For those that don’t get the title to this page, feel free to go read the greatest comic book ever written, Watchmen. As for the art of this one, I wanted to convey the somewhat inconsistent nature of Mr Liefeld’s[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Stunning Reveal!
This is what we’ve been leading up to, faithful readers! I only hope it’s obvious what it is I’m trying to do, here. These guys are actually the first villains that I thought of AFTER I had started publishing Gregor.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hurray! The setup pages are done! Next page I get to start having fun! I’m finally able to set aside time every day for drawing, so I’m hoping to have pages up more frequently, especially given the page is about[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
like I said, kinda lacking on art. But, hey! Look who’s back! Her chest ended up more ample than usual, maybe it’s just the angle, but I’m still pretty happy with how she turned out. I’ve tagged who she’s talking[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
AAAAAAAAAAAND we’re BACK! Having all of my free time devoted to fixing up my house has been DRAINING. Luckily I had today off so I had time to finish this page! You may notice that it’s not Chloe’s colors anymore.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Woo! New page! Hopefully this signals a change to a slightly more regular update schedule. If I can’t get up one page a fortnight then there’s definitely something wrong.
Back to the Present
I thought about drawing what Ghre-Tah is describing, but I decided it would take waaay too long and I want to keep the story moving.